Flag Football
25 minute running clock halves, 5 minute half time
Rosters must be AT LEAST 10 players.
TD is 1 point, no extra points or FG
8v8, 3 down lineman (lineman do not block, simple stand in the way)
1 QB, 4 WR
Defense gets 1 blitz per first down
4 plays to get a first down (half field), can either punt on 4th or go for it
A punt gives the other team the ball at the goaline
No running plays unless the QB is blitzed
Defense must have 3 down lineman as well. 5 second count (by the offensive player) and the defenders can run in.
D-lineman CANNOT drop back into coverage
No refs, be good people and call the game fair
Wiffle Ball
4 inning whiffleball game
3 outs per inning
Must keep same batting order throughout the entire game
Teams can have 9 players in the field (one must be a catcher), no limit on number of batters
If the game is tied after 4 innings, it goes to extra innings.
If the home team is winning after 3 and ½ innings, the bottom of the last inning does not have to be played
Can get someone out by catching the ball, tagging a base, or throwing the ball at a runner.
The strike zone will be a PVC pipe strike zone. If the ball hits anywhere but the legs on the strikezone, it is a strike.
3 strikes is an out, 4 balls is a walk
A hit by pitch counts as a ball
No umpires, be good people and call the game fair
25 minute running game clock halves
5 minute halftime
7v7 Co-Ed (no goalies, small net)
Rosters must be 10 or more, sub whenever you'd like
No refs, be good people and call the game fair
5 inning kickball game
3 outs per inning
Must keep the same kicking order throughout the entire game
Teams can have 10 players in the field (one must be a catcher), no limit on number of kickers
If the game is tied after 5 innings, it goes to extra innings.
If the home team is winning after 4 and ½ innings, the bottom of the last inning does not have to be played
Can get someone out by catching the ball, tagging a base, or throwing the ball at a runner.
No umpires, be good people and call the game fair